:Base Host.hlp :Title pcAnywhere 1 The Host PC 2 The Host PC=host_The_Host_PC_overview 2 A Gateway Host=Gateway_Host_overview 2 A Conference Host=Conference_Host_Overview 2 Data encryption=data_encryption 2 Caller authentication=Caller_authentication 2 How do I... 3 Wait for a call=Wait_for_a_call 3 Call a remote PC=Call_a_remote_PC 3 Cancel a waiting host=Cancel_a_waiting_host 3 Conference a host=Conference_a_host 3 Create a bidirectional gateway=Create_a_bidirectional_gateway 3 Create a caller item=Create_a_caller_item 3 Setup a gateway PC=Setup_a_gateway_PC 3 Schedule a host=To_Schedule_a_host 3 Start file transfer from the host PC=Transfer_files_on_the_host_PC 3 Use callback=Using_callback 3 Create a Superuser=Create_a_Superuser 3 End a session from the host PC=End_a_session_from_the_host_PC 3 Open chat window on the host=Open_chat_window_on_the_host 3 Protect host drives=Protect_host_drives 3 Select a caller folder=Select_a_caller_folder 3 Select data encryption=Select_data_encryption 3 Set caller login name & password=Set_caller_login_name_password 3 Set caller security privileges=Set_caller_security_privileges 3 Set host options=Set_host_item_options 3 Set host security options=Set_host_security_options